The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked

Transparency International ranks the most corrupt countries in the world. These are countries where a small number of people control all of the wealth. Where money can buy justice — or injustice. But they’re not all dictatorships. In fact, some of the countries on this list are pretty surprising.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

50. Mexico

Score: 29/100

Mexico is a beautiful country with tempting beaches and welcoming people. Unfortunately, it also has a history of repression. Many layers of government and law enforcement have been infiltrated by organized crime over the decades.

The result, sadly, is one of the world’s most corrupt countries.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash

49. Maldives

Score: 29/100

The Maldives is a bucket list destination in the Indian Ocean. It’s a string of islands with breathtaking resorts that seem to pop right out of the sea itself.

Unfortunately, recent political scandals have raised questions about government officials personally profiting off of illegal hotel deals.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Maafushivaru, Maldives Photo by Mohamed Thasneem on Unsplash

48. Myanmar

Score: 29/100

Myanmar is a beautiful country in Southeast Asia, a land of coastal deltas, highlands, and ancient ruins. Unfortunately, it also has a history of military rule that it has struggled to overcome.

Bribery is commonplace here. You may wonder how it is that underpaid officials all seem to have the newest iPhones.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Sule Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) Photo by Harish Shivaraman on Unsplash

47. Laos

Score: 29/100

Laos is another beautiful Southeast Asian country. Landlocked and mountainous, Laos has yet to be discovered by tourists in a major way.

Unfortunately, Laos remains one of the most corrupt countries in the region. As one politician there put it: “Some state workers take money from the government budget, split it among themselves, then deposit it into their own bank accounts.

In other words, they pocket the money”.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Vientiane Province, Laos Photo by Pascal Müller on Unsplash

46. Mali

Score: 29/100

It’s really a wonder Mali doesn’t rank higher on the list of most corrupt countries.

This landlocked North African nation has been struggling to fight terrorism for years.

The few visitors who make it here complain of rampant corruption, high crime, and random police checkpoints.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Fishing boats, Mali Image by David Mark from Pixabay

45. Togo

Score: 29/100

Togo is a small country in West Africa, next door to Ghana. It’s a good option if you want to visit the region, with reliable infrastructure and white sandy beaches.

Corruption remains an issue, however. Bribes are common practice — not just when dealing with the police, but in schools, in hospitals, and in the private sector.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Children in Lome, Togo. Unsplash

44. Uganda

Score: 28/100

Uganda is a natural gem in East Africa. It is famous for its authenticity, gorillas, and chimpanzees. However, it is also noted for its corruption.

The courts, the police, and the government in general are all known to take bribes. If you wanted to start a business in Uganda, you would need plenty of cash and brown paper bags.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Queen Elizabeth National Park, Rubirizi, Uganda Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

43. Mauritania

Score: 28/100

Mauritania is right next to Mali in North Africa. It is basically off-limits to tourists due to high crime, lawlessness, and terror groups.

In 2019, a famous activist was arrested for exposing a scam involving the president’s son, in which thousands of poor people lost their homes. Mauritania may be democratic, but that doesn’t mean it’s not among the most corrupt countries.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Mauritania is considered to be one of the most dangerous countries in the world — but it sure is pretty Photo by Daniel Born on Unsplash

42. Kenya

Score: 28/100

Kenya is a fast developing country in East Africa, one of the most prosperous in the region. However, there is also serious wealth inequality and corruption.

Many Kenyans report paying bribes to officials to “get things done”. In 2011, the country disbanded its anti-corruption task force.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
View of Kilimanjaro from Amboseli National Park, Kenya Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash

41. Lebanon

Score: 28/100

Lebanon is a small but beautiful country, bordering Syria and the Mediterranean. Its most famous city is its cosmopolitan capital, Beirut.

However, political instability has created a country where corruption is not only tolerated, but expected and encouraged.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
A perfect picnic spot in Hermel, Lebanon Photo by Kassem Mahfouz on Unsplash

40. Russia

Score: 28/100

Russia is the largest country in the world. The possibilities here are immense; from the palaces of St.

Petersburg to the vast emptiness of Siberia, there’s so much to see.

Unfortunately, Russia remains a deeply corrupt country. It’s a dictatorship in all but name.

Russia’s natural resources are controlled by a small number of oligarchs who act more like a mafia than business leaders.

Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, is rumored to be the richest man in the world. And yet his official salary is about $130,000 US.


The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Moscow, capital of Russia Photo by Astemir Almov on Unsplash

39. Papua New Guinea

Score: 28/100

Papua New Guinea is an island nation north of Australia. It is noted for its diversity — with a population that speaks more than 800 languages! However, it’s also one of the most corrupt countries in the region.

The Economist described the problem this way. “PNG’s governments are notorious for corruption, and ever run the risk of turning the state into a fully-fledged kleptocracy”.

It is common for people to give ‘gifts’ to the police to make crimes ‘go away’.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Traveling by canoe in Papua New Guinea Image by Sally Wilson from Pixabay

38. Paraguay

Score: 28/100

Although this South American country finds itself among the most corrupt country, it’s actually an improvement. In 2004, Paraguay was in the top 10. Some of its Supreme Court justices even had to be removed for corruption.

These days, things are headed in the right direction at least.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Paraguay Image by aranha from Pixabay

37. Dominican Republic

Score: 28/100

The Dominican Republic is a favored resort destination for North American tourists. However, things are not so rosy for those who live here.

As one analyst describes: “Over the past fifteen years, the Dominican Republic has become the ideal place for domestic and transnational criminals to operate with impunity. … Every ten minutes a robbery takes place in the Dominican Republic”.

The government is powerless to stop this — or chooses not to.

Hard to say which.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
People flock to the Dominican for the picturesque beaches Image by David Mark from Pixabay

36. Liberia

Score: 28/100

Liberia is a West African nation founded by freed slaves from the United States. The country is still recovering from a civil war that lasted from 1989-2004.

However, corruption is the new enemy. Bribery is endemic in Liberia. In fact, there’s not even a specific law against it.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
A thunderstorm in Monrovia, Liberia Photo by Bethany Laird on Unsplash

35. Angola

Score: 26/100

Angola is a country in Central Africa, with a long Atlantic coastline. Despite a tragic history of violence, Angolans remain upbeat.

Music is everywhere here, and a sense of celebration.

Unfortunately, corruption is just as rampant. Angola has vast natural resources. Instead of this wealth passing to the people, the authoritarian government has taken control.

There is ‘significant overlap’ between business and politics here. In other words, politicians enriching themselves.

The result is one of the world’s most corrupt countries.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
A rock formation in Angola Image by David Mark from Pixabay

34. Mozambique

Score: 26/100

Mozambique is on the opposite side of the continent from Angola, with a coast on the Indian Ocean. This coastline draws divers and fishermen from all over.

Less appealing is the white collar crime. Three senior government officials were recently charged with defrauding investors and enriching themselves to the tune of $2 billion. And that’s just one example.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Maputo, Mozambique Photo by Rohan Reddy on Unsplash

33. Nigeria

Score: 26/100

Nigeria is the most populous and wealthiest country in Africa. However, a recent analysis concluded the country has lost $400 billion to corruption since 1966. That easily makes it one of the most corrupt countries.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Total Jikwoyi, Abuja, Nigeria Photo by Ovinuchi Ejiohuo on Unsplash

32. Bangladesh

Score: 26/100

In Bangladesh, the corruption comes not from business but from government. Officials have repeatedly been caught taking huge cash bribes. Others have been forced to resign for using their offices to enrich themselves and their friends.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Sajek Valley (Rangamati), Sajek, Bangladesh Photo by Ebadur Rehman on Unsplash

31. Guatemala

Score: 26/100

Guatemala is a small Central American country, just south of Mexico. A UN Commission was sent to study the corruption here. The result they reported was that Guatemala had been “captured” by “mafia” style corruption.

The former president shut the commission down for investigating his friends.

For tourists, it’s not uncommon to have to bribe your way out of trouble.

Police have been known to target tourists for imaginary crimes.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Sunset in Guatemala Image by yi jiang from Pixabay

30. Honduras

Score: 26/100

Honduras is just southeast of Guatemala. Although violence has declined slightly, crime is still rampant in Honduras.

So much so that the U.S. State Department advises travelers against visiting. Theft and more serious crimes are commonplace, and the police can’t or won’t deal with it.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Beach day in Honduras Image by Hans Schwarzkopf from Pixabay

29. Iran

Score: 26/100

Politicians of all stripes in Iran complain about corruption. And yet, somehow, nothing ever changes. The president’s brother, for example, was recently caught up in a huge bribery scandal. The disparity between the super-rich and the super-poor is very stark here.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Shiraz, Iran Photo by Foroozan Faraji on Unsplash

28. Tajikistan

Score: 25/100

Tajikistan is a landlocked and mountainous country in Central Asia. Like many former Soviet Republics, it has struggled against lawlessness and corruption.

Even traffic cops in Tajikistan will solicit bribes.

The cops are so unreliable here that you really can’t count on them if you get into trouble. Some even suspect the cops of collaborating with criminals.


The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
The mountain ranges of Tajikistan are just waiting to be explored Image by Makalu from Pixabay

27. Uzbekistan

Score: 25/100

Uzbekistan is right next door to Tajikistan. Sadly, it shares a reputation as one of the most corrupt countries. Despite its enormous natural wealth, the people here are mostly poor.

Uzbekistan has basically been a dictatorship since 1991. It’s a police state. But one where the police take bribes. However, if you visit, the cops won’t likely trouble you.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Khiva, Uzbekistan Image by falco from Pixabay

26. Central African Republic

Score: 25/100

Again, it’s a wonder the CAR doesn’t land higher on the list of most corrupt countries. Basically every Western government advises against traveling here.

Large swaths of the country are dominated by local warlords. Robberies, kidnappings, and worse are commonplace. In many places, the government doesn’t really exist.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
The Central African Republic DFID / Flickr

25. Cameroon

Score: 25/100

Cameroon is a diverse West African nation. It features English and French-speaking regions, Christians and Muslims. However, it also features tons of corruption. The country has taken some steps to clean things up.

They even prosecuted a former Prime Minister for embezzelment.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
A fishing village in Cameroon Image by u_3njs8uaf from Pixabay

24. The Comoros

Score: 25/100

The Comoros is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. There have been more than 20 coups here since 1975.

In a country with fewer than 1 million people, that creates a ton of chaos.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Sunset in the Comoros David Stanley/Flickr

23. Zimbabwe

Score: 24/100

Zimbabwe was long in the grip of Robert Mugabe. The result was massive inflation and unemployment.

Things have improved somewhat in recent years. But there are still concerns about officials enriching themselves.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Harare, Zimbabwe Image by toubibe from Pixabay

22. Madagascar

Score: 24/100

Madagascar is a beautiful island nation off the east coast of Africa. Unfortunately, political instability has made it a haven of corruption.

Smugglers and politicians can be hard to tell apart.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Madagascar is known for its unique flora and fauna Photo by Graphic Node on Unsplash

21. Eritrea

Score: 23/100

Eritrea is a small African nation on the Red Sea. It has a reputation as one of the most corrupt countries on the continent.

Sadly, that never used to be a concern here. But Eritrea is a dictatorship and police state. The government has clawed more and more power away from the people in the past decades.

The result is mass corruption.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Ghinda, Eritrea Image by David Mark from Pixabay

20. Nicaragua

Score: 22/100

Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America. Since 2018, there have been popular protests against the corruption of the government.

Bribery is said to be commonplace. Worse, the president and his family have treated dissent as treason. But it’s hard to know just what is going on since the government controls the media.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Nicaragua is famous for its mountains and volcanoes Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

19. Iraq

Score: 20/100

What can we say? Iraq has been in a state of chaos for… forever, it seems. Citizens have no confidence in the government, and cronyism remains rampant.

It’s a miracle Iraq isn’t even higher on the list.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Sinjar, Iraq Photo by Levi Clancy on Unsplash

18. Chad

Score: 20/100

With hard work, Chad has gone from the most corrupt country to… one of the most corrupt countries. Progress.

This landlocked North African nation has recently discovered oil deposits. Sadly, the newfound wealth has only encouraged official theft.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
An improvised airfield in Chad Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

17. Cambodia

Score: 20/100

Cambodia is the seat of the old Khmer Empire that gave the world Angkor Wat. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone so well since.

Tourists visit Cambodia for its temples and beaches. But many people here live on less than $1 a day. Worse, they have to bribe officials to get the services they need.

Those who report corruption face 6 months in prison if their claims can’t be proven. In a corrupt legal system. Not good.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Rural Cambodia Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

16. Turkmenistan

Score: 19/100

Turkmenistan is one of the most corrupt countries in Central Asia. It has been ruled by eccentric dictators since the fall of the Soviet Union.

One of these used public funds to try to build an ice palace. In a desert country. That’s what true corruption looks like.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan Kalpak Travel / Wikimedia

15. Congo



Not to be confused with the Demorcatic Republic of the Congo. This smaller country is largely urban. The rest is a vast jungle.

The president here is really more like a dictator.

The result is that officials can take bribes with impunity. Police are known to practice extortion as well.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Brazzaville, capital of Congo Creative Studios / Wikimedia

14. Burundi

Score: 19/100

Burundi is a tiny landlocked country in East Africa. Like many of the other most corrupt countries, Burundi’s problems are complex. The main issue is that politicians are expected to reward their friends and cronies.

They therefore use public resources to accomplish this. In other words… straight-up nepotism and bribery.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Having a bit of fun in Burundi Image by quentcourtois0 from Pixabay

13. Guinea Bissau

Score: 18/100

Guinea Bissau is one of the most corrupt countries and one of the poorest. It’s located in West Africa.

In recent years, South American cartels have used it as a storage depot. Their illicit products are then shipped from Guinea Bissau to Europe. This requires police and politicians to look the other way.

For which, reportedly, they are well paid.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
A village in Guinea-Bissau Pixabay

12. Libya

Score: 18/100

Libya is another one that should probably rank higher. Since the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi in 2011, the country has been in utter chaos.

It’s not clear who works for the government and who works for themselves. In some cases, it’s both.

There are are reports of naval officers being paid to stop migrants crossing to Europe. They then turn around and get paid by the migrants to let them pass.

Futility and corruption.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Roman ruins at Sabratha, Libya Photo by Mohamed Sadiq on Unsplash

11. Democratic Republic of the Congo

Score: 18/100

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is rich in natural resources. So why are its people poor?

From 1965-1997, the country was known as Zaire.

In those years, President Mobutu stole billions of dollars from his poor country. Corruption here has since declined. But it still remains among the worst in the world.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Irene2005 / Wikimedia

10. Haiti

Score: 18/100

Haiti is the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country. Hurricanes, political instability, and organized crime have helped make it one of the most corrupt too.

While a quarter of the people live in poverty, corruption runs wild. In recent years there have been massive protests on this subject. Things have improved slightly.

But not nearly enough.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
The mountains of Haiti Image by David Mark from Pixabay

9. North Korea

Score: 17/100

What country could be more corrupt? The government controls everything. Literally, everything. Down to what haircuts you’re allowed to get.

Their large, damp leader also completely controls the economy. Dissent is not allowed. So… you know… we don’t know how North Korea isn’t #1.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Using the metro in North Korea’s capital, Pyongyang Photo by Random Institute on Unsplash

8. Afghanistan

Score: 16/100

When the government doesn’t control most of the country, it’s not really a government. The result is one of the most corrupt countries ever.

Among the many scandals, one stands out. It involved the Kabul Bank making almost $1 billion in illegal loans to family and friends of the former president.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
A busy market town in Afghanistan Image by David Mark from Pixabay

7. Sudan

Score: 16/100

Sudan is one of Africa’s most unstable countries. It has faced almost half a century of civil war. Citizens find themselves having to pay steep bribes just to access basic services.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Khartoum, Sudan Image by Ammar Hreib from Pixabay

6. Equatorial Guinea

Score: 16/100

Equatorial Guinea has been described as a perfect kleptocracy. That is, a country where the main function of the government is to steal from the people.

This African nation is rich in oil reserves. Its GDP per capita is comparable to Spain. However, most people live in poverty. All that wealth is concentrated in a very few hands.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Equatorial Guinea Image by rem734 from Pixabay

5. Venezuela

Score: 16/100

Venezuela has been in a state of panic for years now. The discovery of oil encouraged the government to spend lavishly. When oil prices dropped, Venezuela was ruined.

The government is authoritarian, violence is prevalent, and 75% of Venezuelans

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Merida, Venezuela Photo by Jose Gil on Unsplash

4. Yemen

Score: 15/100

Yemen as an independent country basically doesn’t exist. It’s been pummelled into the dust by Saudi Arabia and friends in recent years.

It’s no wonder crime and corruption have taken hold.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
“When life gives you Yemen, you make Yemenade”. – Selena Meyer Photo by Fahd Ahmed on Unsplash

3. Syria

Score: 13/100

Syria, similarly, has been torn apart by civil war for years. ISIS, the government, rebels, Kurds, the United States, Russia… All these factions have converged on Syria.

But even beforehand, the government was a corrupt dictatorship. The Assad family virtually owns the country, controlling vast industries.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
Dummar, Damarcus , Syria Photo by T Foz on Unsplash

2. South Sudan

Score: 12/100

South Sudan has only been independent since 2005. But in just 15 years, a group of elites have managed to take control of the entire economy.

It’s another country that deserves to be called a kelptocracy.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
South Sudanese soldiers Pexels

1. Somalia

Score: 9/100

Somalia is truly a tragic case. It has been without an effective government since 1991.

Piracy has been rife. The country has been divided between rival warlords and factions. Meanwhile, the official government controls almost none of the country.

The Most Corrupt Countries In The World, Ranked
This is about as close as you’re going to get to Somalia Google Maps